Walking around Bellagio: Loppia hamlet
Walking around Bellagio is the best way to discover something special. Loppia is one of the many little hidden spots of Bellagio. Situated by the lake between Bellagio center and San Giovanni hamlet, it is one of the ancientest part of the village. Originally these groups of houses by the lake where populated by fishermans. At ground floor of the buildings they used to put nests to dry and boats during low season. On the upper floors they lived with the family.

The “scalotta”
is the name given to the “big stair” connecting the “vialone” to the lake. “Vialone” means “big avenue” and its a long, straight and green part that the owner of Villa Giulia made. the reason why he made it is because they wanted to be able to see also the other part of the lake, called “ramo di Como”.
You can see the Scalotta and Vialone just walking around Bellagio, a bit outside of the old town.

The “Rosina”
Something that you can discover here is one of the first and typical boats of lake Como. The Rosina is a woodden boat standing out in the little harbour of Loppia and its part of the history of Bellagio. It is called gondola lariana (=of the lake) and it can be found in many of old picture of this harbour. These boats were made to carry heavy materials thorough the lake, avoiding the narrows and difficult streets along the shores.
“Alle Darsene”
Walking around in Bellagio can also make you discover something like “Alle Darsene di Loppia“. This is the only restaurant situated in Loppia, by the harbour.
The name means “by the dockyard” as just next to the original ones. This restaurant is of the greatest in Bellagio and its usually open for high season from April till November. It offers typical and italian tasty plates, very well-finished in the presentation.
Just next to the resturans you can find the entrance of Villa Melzi, the best in town. There you can buy the ticket and visit the magnificient garden by the lake.