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Lake ComoNenè Accommodation

Plan your holiday on lake Como

By 21 March 2020No Comments
experiences on lake como

Plan your holiday on lake Como


Plan your holiday on Lake Como is defenetly the best way to enjoy at most the days in this paradise.
Not only lake Como is very popular but also the places are small and immediatly fully packed. Thats why we want to give you some tips to schedule a holiday on lake Como in every details.

Additionally you will be able to experience the real life here and try the most typical things.
First italian hospitality, second food, third culture. Not to mention all the private thing tailor made on your needs and wish.

Some tips on how to organize your holiday that will be very useful during your stay.
To say nothing of the time you will save instead of waiting or loosing opportunities. Actually the main secret is to book in advance everything you can. Not only resaturants or accommodations, but also tickets and experiences. Identically every little thing you can organize with anticipation will be great.

Take advantage of all the information you can find online and don’t hesitate to ask us for more if you have any doubt.

Schedule holiday on lake Como

What you will love to..

Some activities you would love are:

  • discover secret spots, just for locals
  • find out isolated beach with no one else around you
  • try the best and non-turistic restaurants
  • have an highlight list of monument and villas
  •  smart tips on how to move around
  • visit parks and gardens
  • book in advance special activities
  • have an italian aperitivo with italian people

A lot are our tips and suggestions.
We grow up here, on Lake Como and we know everything about the area.
The only way to discover Lake Como is, ask to local people. This is the only secret!

Booking with Nenè Bellagio means also this, we will tell you everything we know, everything we love!

just ask!